Annual Council - Wednesday 15 May 2024, 12:00pm - Calderdale Council Webcasting
Annual Council
Wednesday, 15th May 2024 at 12:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Ashley Evans
Cllr Ashley Evans
Cllr Mike Barnes
Cllr Ashley Evans
Cllr Colin Hutchinson
Cllr Ashley Evans
Cllr Ashley Evans
Cllr Ashley Evans
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Sarah Courtney
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Silvia Dacre
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Diana Tremayne
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Diana Tremayne
Cllr Diana Tremayne
Cllr Diana Tremayne
Agenda item :
3 To pass a vote of thanks to the Retiring Mayor
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Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Amanda Parsons-Hulse
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Abigail White
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Ashley Evans
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Agenda item :
4 To pass a vote of thanks to the Retiring Deputy Mayor
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Cllr Christine Prashad
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Paul Bellenger
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Sue Holdsworth
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Agenda item :
5 To make an allowance to the Mayor and to the Deputy Mayor
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Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Tim Swift MBE
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Agenda item :
6 To receive the official returns as to Councillors elected on 2nd May 2024
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Mr Robin Tuddenham
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Agenda item :
7 To pass a vote of thanks to retiring Councillors
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Cllr Diana Tremayne
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Agenda item :
7 To pass a vote of thanks to retiring Councillors
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Agenda item :
8 To approve the Minutes of the Council held on 20th March 2024, as a correct record
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Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Diana Tremayne
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Agenda item :
9 To receive the Mayor's or Chief Executive's announcements (if any).
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Mr Robin Tuddenham
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Agenda item :
10 To elect a Leader.
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Cllr Tim Swift MBE
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Agenda item :
11 To receive the Leader's report on the number of Members to be appointed to the Cabinet.
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Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Agenda item :
12 To determine the Scrutiny Boards and Council Committees and Panels to be established for the 2024/2025 Municipal Year, to decide their size and terms of reference and to agree the Scheme of Delegations.
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Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Agenda item :
13 To agree the allocation of seats to political groups in accordance with the political balance rules.
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Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Agenda item :
14 To appoint the Members and Substitute Members to serve on Scrutiny Boards, Council Committees and Panels for the 2024/2025 Municipal Year as appropriate.
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Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Agenda item :
15 To appoint the Chair and Deputy Chair of each Scrutiny Board, Council Committee and Panel for the 2024/2025 Municipal Year.
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Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Agenda item :
16 To appoint Members of the Council as Members of each of the following Joint Authorities for the 2024/2025 Municipal Year:-
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Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Agenda item :
17 To appoint Members of the Council as Members of each of the following Joint Committees which exercise Council Functions for the 2024/2025 Municipal Year:-
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Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Agenda item :
18 To appoint representatives to serve on Outside Bodies.
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Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Regan Dickenson
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Agenda item :
19 To consider the recommendations of the Governance and Business Committee on the following matters:
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Cllr Dot Foster
Cllr Dot Foster
Cllr Paul Bellenger
Cllr Dot Foster
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Webcast Finished
- Item 1 - Election of Mayor 2024, opens in new tab
- Item 2 - Appt of Deputy Mayor 2024, opens in new tab
- Item 3 - Vote Thks Retiring Mayor 2024, opens in new tab
- Item 4 - Vote Thks Retiring Deputy Mayor 2024, opens in new tab
- Item 5 - To make an Allowance to the Mayor and Deputy Mayor 2024, opens in new tab
- Item 6 - Official Returns as to Councillors Elected 2024, opens in new tab
- Item 7 - Vote of thanks to Retiring Councillors 2023, opens in new tab
- 2024 03 20 - Council Minutes, opens in new tab
- Item 19 - 2024 03 18 - G&B Minute No. 37, opens in new tab