Cabinet - Monday 5 August 2024, 4:00pm - Calderdale Council Webcasting
Monday, 5th August 2024 at 4:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Scott Patient
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Scott Patient
Mr Ian Hughes
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for absence
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Cllr Scott Patient
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Scott Patient
Agenda item :
2 Members' Interests
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Agenda item :
3 Admission of the Public
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Agenda item :
4 Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th July 2024 to be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
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Agenda item :
5 Question Time
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Mr Ian Hughes
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Adam Wilkinson
Cllr Scott Patient
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Scott Patient
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Sarah Courtney
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Sarah Courtney
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Sarah Courtney
Mr Ian Hughes
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Scott Patient
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Danielle Durrans
Cllr Scott Patient
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Scott Patient
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Scott Patient
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Scott Patient
Agenda item :
5 Question Time
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Mr Ian Hughes
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Scott Patient
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Tim Swift MBE
Cllr Scott Patient
Mr Ian Hughes
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Scott Patient
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Scott Patient
Agenda item :
6 To Receive Reports from Scrutiny Boards (Scrutiny Review - A Detailed Review into Housing within Calderdale)
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Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Scott Patient
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Scott Patient
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Scott Patient
Agenda item :
7 A641 Bradford - Brighouse - Huddersfield - Negotiation, Land Acquisition and Use of Compulsory Purchase Powers as necessary to facilitate development of the scheme
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- 1.A641 Bradford – Brighouse – Huddersfield – Negotiation, Land Acquisition and Use of Compulsory
- 1. Appendix A - Calderdale - key plan
- 2. Appendix A - Calderdale - Brighouse Town Centre
- 3. Appendix A - Calderdale - Brighouse Town Centre 2
- 4. Appendix A - Calderdale - Pickle Bridge Greenway
- 5. Appendix A - Calderdale - Pickle Bridge Greenway 2
- 6. Appendix A - Calderdale - Pickle Bridge Greenway 3
- 7. Appendix A - Calderdale - Pickle Bridge Greenway 4
- 8. Appendix A - Calderdale - Pickle Bridge Greenway 5
- 9. Appendix A - Calderdale - Pickle Bridge Greenway 6
- 10. Appendix A - Calderdale - Woodhouse
- 11. Appendix A - Bradford - Pickle Bridge Greenway
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Sarah Courtney
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Sarah Courtney
Cllr Scott Patient
Agenda item :
8 Review of Council Tax Reduction Scheme
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Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Silvia Dacre
Cllr Scott Patient
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Sarah Courtney
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Adam Wilkinson
Cllr Scott Patient
Agenda item :
9 Financial Position Update: Quarter 1 Revenue and Capital Monitor 2024-25
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Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Silvia Dacre
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Silvia Dacre
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Silvia Dacre
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Silvia Dacre
Cllr Scott Patient
Mr Ian Hughes
Webcast Finished
- 2024 07 08 - Cabinet Minutes, opens in new tab
- Item 6 - Scrutiny Review - A Detailed Review into Housing within Calderdale, opens in new tab
- Item 6 - Appendix One - Housing Detailed Review, opens in new tab
- 1.A641 Bradford – Brighouse – Huddersfield – Negotiation, Land Acquisition and Use of Compulsory, opens in new tab
- 1. Appendix A - Calderdale - key plan, opens in new tab
- 2. Appendix A - Calderdale - Brighouse Town Centre, opens in new tab
- 3. Appendix A - Calderdale - Brighouse Town Centre 2, opens in new tab
- 4. Appendix A - Calderdale - Pickle Bridge Greenway, opens in new tab
- 5. Appendix A - Calderdale - Pickle Bridge Greenway 2, opens in new tab
- 6. Appendix A - Calderdale - Pickle Bridge Greenway 3, opens in new tab
- 7. Appendix A - Calderdale - Pickle Bridge Greenway 4, opens in new tab
- 8. Appendix A - Calderdale - Pickle Bridge Greenway 5, opens in new tab
- 9. Appendix A - Calderdale - Pickle Bridge Greenway 6, opens in new tab
- 10. Appendix A - Calderdale - Woodhouse, opens in new tab
- 11. Appendix A - Bradford - Pickle Bridge Greenway, opens in new tab
- Review of Council Tax Reduction Scheme, opens in new tab
- Item 9 - Financial Position Update - Quarter 1 Revenue and Capital Monitor 2024-25, opens in new tab