Adults, Health & Social Care Scrutiny Board - Thursday 31 October 2024, 6:00pm - Calderdale Council Webcasting
Adults, Health & Social Care Scrutiny Board
Thursday, 31st October 2024 at 6:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Agenda item :
1 Substitutes nominated for this meeting and apologies for absence
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Agenda item :
2 Members' Interests
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Agenda item :
3 Admission of the Public
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Agenda item :
4 Minutes of the Adults, Health and Social Care Scrutiny Meeting held on 29th August 2024 to be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
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Agenda item :
5 Deputations
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Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Agenda item :
6 Services within Todmorden Health Centre (Chief Operating Officer, Calderdale Cares)
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Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Colin Hutchinson
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Colin Hutchinson
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Colin Hutchinson
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Colin Hutchinson
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Colin Hutchinson
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Ashley Evans
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Helen Brundell
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Elaine Hey
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Elaine Hey
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Helen Rivron
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Colin Hutchinson
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Agenda item :
7 Buying Our Care: Working Group Report (Oral Report)
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Cllr Helen Rivron
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Colin Hutchinson
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Colin Hutchinson
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Colin Hutchinson
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Colin Hutchinson
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Colin Hutchinson
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Shane Taylor
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Shane Taylor
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Shane Taylor
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Shane Taylor
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Helen Brundell
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Colin Hutchinson
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Helen Rivron
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Helen Rivron
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Colin Hutchinson
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Helen Rivron
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Helen Rivron
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Scrutiny Officer
Agenda item :
8 Work Programme 2024/25
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Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Webcast Finished