Cabinet - Monday 13 January 2025, 4:00pm - Calderdale Council Webcasting
Monday, 13th January 2025 at 4:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
1 Apologies for absence
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Cllr Jane Scullion
Agenda item :
2 Members' Interests
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Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Jane Scullion
Agenda item :
3 Admission of the Public
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Agenda item :
4 Minutes of the Meeting held on 9th December 2024 to be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
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Agenda item :
5 Question Time
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Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Jane Scullion
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Jane Scullion
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Danielle Durrans
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Jane Scullion
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Danielle Durrans
Cllr Jane Scullion
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Danielle Durrans
Cllr Jane Scullion
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Danielle Durrans
Cllr Jane Scullion
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Jane Scullion
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Danielle Durrans
Cllr Jane Scullion
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Danielle Durrans
Cllr Jane Scullion
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Danielle Durrans
Cllr Jane Scullion
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Danielle Durrans
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Jane Scullion
Mr Public/Officer/Councillor -
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Danielle Durrans
Cllr Jane Scullion
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Danielle Durrans
Cllr Jane Scullion
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Jane Scullion
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Jane Scullion
Agenda item :
6 To Receive Reports from Scrutiny Boards
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Agenda item :
7 Revenue Budget Forecast (Revised MTFP Position)/Cabinet Budget Proposals 2025/26 to 2027/28 for Consultation (Report to be tabled at the meeting)
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Cllr Silvia Dacre
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Silvia Dacre
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Jane Scullion
Agenda item :
8 Calculation of the Council Tax Base 2025/26
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Agenda item :
9 Leeds City Region Business Rates
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Agenda item :
10 Future of Elland Household Waste & Recycling Centre
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Cllr Silvia Dacre
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Silvia Dacre
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Sarah Courtney
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Diana Tremayne
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Danielle Durrans
Cllr Jane Scullion
Agenda item :
11 2024 Annual Health and Safety Report for Calderdale MBC
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Cllr Silvia Dacre
Cllr Jane Scullion
Agenda item :
12 Todmorden Neighbourhood Plan - Examiner's Report
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Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Silvia Dacre
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Diana Tremayne
Cllr Jane Scullion
Cllr Sarah Courtney
Cllr Jane Scullion
Webcast Finished
- 2024 12 09 - Cabinet Minutes, opens in new tab
- Calculation of the Council Tax Base 2025-26, opens in new tab
- Leeds City Region Business Rates Pool 2025-26, opens in new tab
- 10 - Future of Elland Household Waste Recycling Centre, opens in new tab
- 11.2024 Annual Health and Safety Report for Calderdale MBC, opens in new tab
- 11.APPENDIX 1 - Supporting statistical information on H&S performance 2023-24, opens in new tab
- 12 - Todmorden Neighbourhood Plan - Examiners Report, opens in new tab
- 12 - Apx1 Todmorden Neighbourhood Plan Submission, opens in new tab
- 12 - Apx2 Todmorden Examiner's Report, opens in new tab
- 12 - Apx3 Decision Statement, opens in new tab