Budget Council - Monday 24 February 2025, 6:00pm - Calderdale Council Webcasting
Budget Council
Monday, 24th February 2025 at 6:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
1 To receive the Mayor's or Chief Executive's announcements (if any).
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Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Daniel Sutherland
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Mr Robin Tuddenham
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Agenda item :
2 Members' Interests (To remind Members of the need to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests or other interests they might have in relation to the items of business included on this Summons).
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Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Agenda item :
3 To receive a report of the 2025/26 Precepts received from:
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Mr Robin Tuddenham
Agenda item :
4 To receive a report on the 2025/26 levy of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority.
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Agenda item :
5 To receive a report on the 2025/26 levy of the Environment Agency.
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Agenda item :
6 To receive a report of the Precept requirements of the Parishes within Calderdale.
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Cllr Ann Kingstone
Agenda item :
7 To consider the recommendation of the Cabinet for a General Fund Revenue Budget for 2025/26 to 2027/28 to enable the Council to make the statutory calculations required for setting the Council Tax for the period ending 31st March 2026.
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- Item 7 - Cabinet Budget Proprosals
- Item 7a - Scrutiny Response to Budget Proposals Cover Report Cabinet WC BM
- Item 7a - Appendix One Scrutiny Budget Report 2024-25 LW Cabinet
- Item 7b - Budget Consultation Report 2025 FINAL (002)
- Item 7b - Appendix one Groups
- Item 7b - Appendix two Copy of online survey questions
- Item 7c - Cabinet Budget Proposals 2025-26 to 2027-28 for Recommendation to Budget Council
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Tim Swift MBE
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Steven Leigh MBE
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Adam Wilkinson
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Diana Tremayne
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Paul Bellenger
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Colin Hutchinson
Cllr Colin Hutchinson
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Joe Thompson
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Felicity Issott
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Silvia Dacre
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Danielle Durrans
Cllr Danielle Durrans
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Daniel Sutherland
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Mike Barnes
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Dot Foster
Cllr Dot Foster
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Geraldine Carter
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Geraldine Carter
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Geraldine Carter
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Peter Hunt
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Tim Swift MBE
Cllr Tim Swift MBE
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Christine Prashad
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Steven Leigh MBE
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Israr Ahmed
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Israr Ahmed
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Simon Ashton
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Stuart Cairney
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Danielle Durrans
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Mohammed Fazal
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Katie Kimber
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Agenda item :
7 To consider the recommendation of the Cabinet for a General Fund Revenue Budget for 2025/26 to 2027/28 to enable the Council to make the statutory calculations required for setting the Council Tax for the period ending 31st March 2026.
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- Item 7 - Cabinet Budget Proprosals
- Item 7a - Scrutiny Response to Budget Proposals Cover Report Cabinet WC BM
- Item 7a - Appendix One Scrutiny Budget Report 2024-25 LW Cabinet
- Item 7b - Budget Consultation Report 2025 FINAL (002)
- Item 7b - Appendix one Groups
- Item 7b - Appendix two Copy of online survey questions
- Item 7c - Cabinet Budget Proposals 2025-26 to 2027-28 for Recommendation to Budget Council
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Martin Hey
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Elaine Hey
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Paul Bellenger
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Helen Brundell
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Geraldine Carter
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Steven Leigh MBE
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Felicity Issott
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Elaine Hey
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Martin Hey
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Tim Swift MBE
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Israr Ahmed
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Simon Ashton
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Stuart Cairney
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Katie Kimber
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Paul Bellenger
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Joe Thompson
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Geraldine Carter
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Geraldine Carter
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Christine Prashad
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Adam Wilkinson
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Dot Foster
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Peter Hunt
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Silvia Dacre
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Howard Blagbrough
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Daniel Sutherland
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Tim Swift MBE
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Israr Ahmed
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Simon Ashton
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Stuart Cairney
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Stuart Cairney
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Tim Swift MBE
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Danielle Durrans
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Katie Kimber
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Agenda item :
7 To consider the recommendation of the Cabinet for a General Fund Revenue Budget for 2025/26 to 2027/28 to enable the Council to make the statutory calculations required for setting the Council Tax for the period ending 31st March 2026.
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- Item 7 - Cabinet Budget Proprosals
- Item 7a - Scrutiny Response to Budget Proposals Cover Report Cabinet WC BM
- Item 7a - Appendix One Scrutiny Budget Report 2024-25 LW Cabinet
- Item 7b - Budget Consultation Report 2025 FINAL (002)
- Item 7b - Appendix one Groups
- Item 7b - Appendix two Copy of online survey questions
- Item 7c - Cabinet Budget Proposals 2025-26 to 2027-28 for Recommendation to Budget Council
Agenda item :
8 To move formally the resolution for making the necessary statutory calculations required under the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and for setting the amounts of the Council Tax for the period ending 31st March 2026.
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Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Scott Patient
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Tim Swift MBE
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Israr Ahmed
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Stuart Cairney
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Tim Swift MBE
Mr Ian Hughes
Cllr Regan Dickenson
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Regan Dickenson
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Cllr Felicity Issott
Cllr Regan Dickenson
Cllr Felicity Issott
Cllr Ann Kingstone
Webcast Finished
- Items 3-6 - Chief Executive's Report on 2025-26 Precepts and Levies, opens in new tab
- Items 3-6 - Chief Executive's Report on 2025-26 Precepts and Levies, opens in new tab
- Items 3-6 - Chief Executive's Report on 2025-26 Precepts and Levies, opens in new tab
- Items 3-6 - Chief Executive's Report on 2025-26 Precepts and Levies, opens in new tab
- Item 7 - Cabinet Budget Proprosals, opens in new tab
- Item 7a - Scrutiny Response to Budget Proposals Cover Report Cabinet WC BM, opens in new tab
- Item 7a - Appendix One Scrutiny Budget Report 2024-25 LW Cabinet, opens in new tab
- Item 7b - Budget Consultation Report 2025 FINAL (002), opens in new tab
- Item 7b - Appendix one Groups, opens in new tab
- Item 7b - Appendix two Copy of online survey questions, opens in new tab
- Item 7c - Cabinet Budget Proposals 2025-26 to 2027-28 for Recommendation to Budget Council, opens in new tab